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here is a report on the listening session of Black sun from Stuttgart-
straight out of powermetal.de
please keep in mind that this is a translation from german- and german language is NOT my strongest point:-))
Primal Fear (Listening session)
02.02.2002, Stuttgart, planetarium
The "German Metal Commando" invited, and that means each quantity fun, well gelaunte musicians and (nearly) perfect an organization of Nuclear blows .
In the planetarium to Stuttgart we - with a half hour of delay - waited feverful for the conception of the new disk "Black Sun". Scarcely 20 representatives of most diverse print and on-line magazines sat in the Keplersaal and listened to the words of a outstanding presented Ralf Scheepers, which led as it were by the musical program. Ralf explained us that "Black Sun" PRIMAL FEARs is first concept album on the whole and acts by the fight "property against bad".
And then ging's loosely....
COUNT down to Insanity (Intro)
The Intro beginning with quiet triangle tones emerges a little later to a bombastischen guitar and bass reef, which gave little goose skin to me.
Black Sun
A Doublebass Kracher of the mark "finally Embrace" or "Nuclear Fire". Very rifflastig and carried of Ralfs enormous singing. Text it concerns that the ' Eagle ' (PRIMAL FEARs coat of arms animal) toward Black Sun on the way is. A used full of seeds Opener.
Acts of the events of 11.09.2001, whereby this Song actually generally anprangert the terror. In this case the terror, which extraterrestial ones committed. The UP speeds Song reminded stylistic much of the old JUDAS PRAISED, above all, which concerns double guitar reef.
Lightyears From Home
It continues to go in the Weltraumtrip of PF. A Speedkracher of the mark "Angels in Black". Ralf screws its Vocals completely enormously up. The solo reminded me at the beginning of a little of HELLOWEEN a Song from "Keepers" times. With one of the best TRACKS, which we got to hear.
Walk abruptly Ralf after the Intro is loosely and already one in the middle in a groovenden Mid speed Song. However it had the appearance that the whole did not fit so 100 %. However, after only unique hearing benefit one should fall such a judgement not immediately.
With a outstanding fast Knueppelintro "Fear" begins. Again one the somewhat faster Songs on the disk. Still BREAK is original, in which the "approaching flies bomb", which already introduced the Song, a further times.
Magic Eye
With the sieved number gets a somewhat calmer Song required, which is characterised particularly by the sensitive Vocals of Ralf and the harmoniously played solo (of both guitarists). "Magic Eye" is however under no circumstances a Ballade, but a rather untypischer PRIMAL FEAR Mid speed Song.
Mind control
A basslastiges piece of double bass, whose Refrain reminds me in parts of "Now Or Never". 100 % PRIMAL FEAR evenly.
Mind Machine
Continues to go the Weltraumstory, which experiences the ' Eagles '. The TRACK has somewhat Mysti actually and sounds very, very technical. Reef and the Leadbreaks is however again typically "German Metal Commando". Ralf and Mat Sinner divide here the Vocals.
I would settle the "Silence" balladeske for PRIMAL of FEAR conditions rather in the hard skirt range. Very rhythmically, nearly ramming one proceeds, what provides nevertheless together with "Magic Eye" and "Mind Machine" for due alternation on this album. The schmissigen Leadbreaks is outstanding.
We Go down
The degree of hardness is again tightened. To please the Song white straight by its coolen slow center section - a little reminds me of PRIESTs "Night Crawler" -, which loses itself in locking Frickelorgien. Geiles piece of Metal!
Cold Day in Hell
It continues to go to flush with fat roasting guitars, the ears strongly and also that fans, who innovations do not hear so gladly, shows, for which PRIMAL FEAR stands. The gentlemen gezaubert also here again a outstanding guitar-solo from the sleeve. Likewise the Chorus of the TRACK has an absolute goose skin character.
The Schlusssong has it again heftigst in itself. Arschtighte of guitar reef and Doublebass Drums without end. Ralf achieves once more absolute maximum output. After only unique listening to of the disk, for me the best Song on "Black Sun". Likewise well made, how the Outro - again one hears the triangles - was integrated into the piece.
It can locking be said after the first hearing sample that "Black Sun" is an absolutely cooles piece of Metal, but small little habituation-needily. In contrast to "Nuclear Fire" have here a few Songs the problem that they burn themselves not immediately in the brain.
Surely it is heavy to judge a concept album by only unique run therefore I wait for the publication of the disk for my part only once.
To the Listening session it went to the Fotoshooting and to the interviews. Subsequently, we were allowed to sound ourselves in the planetarium - suitably the new PF album - a little over the stars. The fact that the sound plant in the planetarium gave its spirit up probably was because of it that PRIMAL FEAR blow away in principle everything and everyone; -).
After the meal in the Vienna the forest to Esslingen, we still went into the tavern "Eisbar" (master restaurant of PRIMAL FEAR) around together a little zufeiern.
I would like me to this place again - also in the name of editor-in-chief Georg , who supported me with the Listening session - with PRIMAL FEAR and Nuclear Blast thank you.
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