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This is the diary that the band members have kept during the Nuclear Fire Tour
Day 1 / 08.02.2001 / D-Hamburg Markthalle:
On the road again! After a long trip from Stuttgart to Hamburg we arrived at noon at the Markthalle. After greetings we are looking forward for somethin’ to eat. Tonight will be very happy n’successful for all the 3 bands! 500 People are gathered in the Markthalle as SACRED STEEL were ready to attack, and they’re rockin’ very loud today so that the fans get wicked and for "encores" shouted! Well done brothers‘!
As CHILDREN OF BODOM entered the stage 6 to 700 hundread Metalheads are in. COB are blasting and playing a greatest hits of their 3 CDs!
Also for us will this show be a big start for touring. Despite technical troubles on stage ( that the fans did not notice) are we pumpin’ and so are the metallians on board with us… ready to fly!
Late at night : trip to Eindhoven. (Klaus)
Day 2 / 09.02.2001 / NL-Einhoven Effenar:
On the road to Eindhoven: the heater broke down( by the Nightliners) making the night quite fresh. A short stop in a garage for repair and we are reaching Eindhoven late in the urge and we must be speedy. We can forget starting the soundcheck ‘cause there’s no time left.
Whatever, the show will be great in front of 700 dutch, getting wicked. After the Show a House-Techno-Party is on. We’re getting delirious with COB ‚ till 4.00 AM. (Henny)
Day 3 / 10.02.2001 / B-Vosselar Biebop:
Arrival in Vosselaar : We go for shopping at the shop near the Club. It’s a killing place and we cashed CDs n’ LPs!
The Biebop is sold-out and the Gig was super!
To Bochum with some beers opened on the road before going to bed( except Achim und Henny). Drinks before arriving in Bochum n’ still drinks there ‚ till 5 am…. (Klaus)
Day 4 / 11.02.2001 / D-Bochum Zeche:
Bochum was the Highlight and things began with an unbelievable breakfast (Hammer). At noon Jörg & Gerrit (Sacred Steel). Janne & Hennkka (COB) + Ralf & I moved to Dortmund /Ruhrrockhalle/metal market/ for a signing session and Interviews.
The show in the evening was reaching the climax of our tour! It’s incredible how super the people may be here, around 750 p. Here is always heavy metal massive attack!
Then as usual : „Bier und Schnaps" ( Jägermeister ). (Klaus)
Day 5 / 12.02.2001 / Travel-Off-Day:
2 am on departure to Prag. At the border some trouble broke out as Stagemanager Neubi,wasn’ t allowed to cross into without his swiss passeport instead of his identity card. After 3 hours talks he needs to go back home to get it. So we carry on without him to Hotel - Prag.
We’re lookin’ forward to take a shower and have dinner! We made a short visit of Palac Akropolis. In a Reggae-Bar full of hash smokes, we ended our journey with Drinks. (Stefan)
Day 6 / 13.02.2001 / CZ-Prag Palac Akropolis:
9 am: breakfast n’ meeting again Neubi back from his 18 hours train trip : poor guy!
Jürgen Tschamler ‚'Heavy oder Was‘ arrived too so as to join us in our Tourbus.
Gig was o.k. Backstage- 2 Fans, lucky winners for a ‚Meet and Greet‘…great times . (Klaus & Stefan)
Tag 7 / 14.02.2001 / CZ-Zlin Musicland A:
Zlin was still then totally unknown. We planned a local show and we were fearing the worst. But it was totally on the contrary a great show. Fans started singing in front of the hall singing as by football play anthems that let us presume a warm welcome at night on stage.The Club was füll and good feelings with each bands. great Gig.
After the show we met fans in their bus (as 30 guys had travelled a long way just to see us live). In the Bus Alexi + Alexander /COB/ gave wild signs. After signs n’ pics we off to our bus to start our trip to Vienna. (Stefan)
Tag 8 / 15.02.2001 / A-Wien Planet Music:
As we arrived we felt bad for having missed Blümchen live at the Planet Music. But Kimberly /Sinergy met Alexi / COB. So we have big fun…
We were anxious as COB are in the Albumcharts high ranged. Lots of COB Fans here but also PF Fans. So, both bands get on fire. We’re happy for coping with this challenge with honour !. (Stefan)
look out for the second part of the TourDiary in february
the diary has been kept by the PF members and translated for The Steel Eagle by Cyril"CyberCy" Trinchero
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